RO: Ca in fiecare an, Pantone a stabilit deja culoarea pentru anul viitor, iar iarna aceasta aflam ca 2016 va continua trendul pastel culorile fiind: Rose Quartz & Serenity, doua nuante pastel superbe atat impreuna cat si separat.
Baby Pink si Baby Blue cum imi place mie sa le denumesc sunt nuante care se potrivesc in orice domeniu: fashion, make-up, nails, hair, home decor si unde va mai duce pe voi gandul creativ.
EN: Like every year, Pantone has decided the colors for next year, and this winter we find out that in 2016 the pastel trend will be continue by the colors: Rose Quartz & Serenity, two pastel colors that are for me, absolutely amazing together, or by it’s own. Baby Pink and Baby Blue, as I call them are shades that fits into every domain: fashion, make-up, mails, hairstyles, home deco and everywhere your creativity leads to.
RO: Daca imi amintesc bine, pastelul a inceput sa se introduca usor-usor in trenduri de prin 2012, acum ajungand sa ia amploare si sa ne ghidam doar in jurul culorilor in nuante pastelate.
Pe mine nu poate decat sa ma bucure aceasta alegere facuta de Institutul PANTONE si de abia astept un 2016 diafan!
Cum vi se par culorile alese pentru anul 2016?
EN: As I remember, this pastels were slowly introduced in trends since 2012, now getting to take hold and just guide us around pastel colors.
Va puuuuuuuuuuuup!
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